Those guilty of crimes against humanity must face a day in court after the Covid-19 malaise I am profoundly honored to share Dr. Tess Lawrie’s exquisitely poignant reading of my “Mistakes Were Not Made: Anthem [More]
Dr. Suneel Dhand talks to Dr. John Campbell about ‘Vaccine Refusal’ Probably the best, most important, interview ever given about the vile atrocities committed against the human race since the war crimes against the Jewish [More]
This is year 2023. In the next three years 10’s if not 100’s of millions will lose their jobs to Ai. Not a projection – a fact. If governments don’t pull their fingers out, they [More]
Although today, 14 February 2023, the WHO database on adverse reactions to Covid-19 vaccines stands at the UNPRECENTED IN THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE at 4,906,644 (let me say that again as it grows by nearly [More]
Probably the most important video of the whol COVID Sham as revealed on GBNews. See 2.34 where billions were scammed on the British public by cronies. It makes me sick. It makes my blood boil. [More]
Greenpeace 2023 Vision: The World We All Want To See
If ever I found a reason to consider an early departure from this world it is after seeing this video. On the eve of the end of 2022 as we are Pluto is preparing to [More]
This excellent video by about AI and what is worrying about its development. All I can say is thank God I’m not much longer for this world. It’s completely out of control. The GPT-13 [More]
This video explains very well the claims of the Dutch government’s need since 2019 to reduce nitrogen emissions and the need to close down most of its farming which has been the essence of the [More]
This brief video of 8 years ago is a guy explaining nanotechnology, their build and ‘future’ (now) in being used in the human body. We now know (August 2022) from numerous studies from around the [More]