ULEZ Air Quality Pt2: Dangerous Pollution in London! Shocking Results Planes, Trains & Automobiles! This is Part 2 by the BrownCarGuy. It is excellent. The first one exposed the fraud perpetraated against London but now [More]
A leading expert in artificial intelligence warns that the race to develop more sophisticated models is outpacing our ability to regulate the technology. Critics say his warnings overhype the dangers of new AI models like [More]
I recently saw the most amazing video on tiktok, it felt too good to be true so I had a look at the science to see if it would back up the incredible claims being [More]
This brilliant interview with foremost field expert in virology, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, is one of the most important ever given in explaining the gene theory and its use for covid-19. Journeyman TV are to be [More]
Everyone in Britain is contracted with the government and the Crown as if they were employees. When you vote people or a party into power what you don’t realise is that you are actually giving [More]
Richard Vobes, cleverly and simply here, introduces the fact of life that you are not a free man if you are a citizen in Britain today because Britain in every way is a business. Unlike [More]
Those guilty of crimes against humanity must face a day in court after the Covid-19 malaise I am profoundly honored to share Dr. Tess Lawrie’s exquisitely poignant reading of my “Mistakes Were Not Made: Anthem [More]
Dr. Suneel Dhand talks to Dr. John Campbell about ‘Vaccine Refusal’ Probably the best, most important, interview ever given about the vile atrocities committed against the human race since the war crimes against the Jewish [More]
This is year 2023. In the next three years 10’s if not 100’s of millions will lose their jobs to Ai. Not a projection – a fact. If governments don’t pull their fingers out, they [More]
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