If ever there was a need for education, now is the time. Real education. Not the crap taught in schools. This example of the situation we find ourselves in is completely at odds with what [More]
Was this a prediction for the 2019/2020 raging fires across Australia? The worst in it’s history, the current situation may seem unprecendented but this report about the uniqueness of what happened in 2003 may have [More]
We need to come to terms with where we come from to know how we can ever partake in or cope with what the future is about to present onto us from this new decade [More]
How Compatible are you with others? Visit How Compatible Are We and find out what your magnetic code is and how it interacts with others at https://www.HowCompatibleAreWe.com
Listen to what this man says. Learn from not only the content of his thought but that it is nearly 30 years old and is now coming to complete fruition. It is clear, we are [More]
The effects of climate change can now be felt and experienced everywhere. Our planet is now under ever-increasing attack from man-made development. But using out keen development skills we may be able still to combat [More]
TED TALK by Sean DavisThe Montreal Protocol proved that the world could come together and take action on climate change. Thirty years after the world’s most successful environmental treaty was signed, atmospheric scientist Sean Davis [More]
Earth is running out of fresh water and due to a growing population and global warming, by 2030 there will be a 50% greater demand for it. Future Earth explores the impact a lack of [More]
From the BBC – Sir David Attenborough After one of the hottest years on record, Sir David Attenborough looks at the science of climate change and potential solutions to this global threat. Interviews with some [More]
Fom PBSThe frozen continent of Antarctica contains the vast majority of all freshwater on Earth. Now that ice is melting at an accelerating rate, in part because of climate change. What does this transformation mean [More]
This excellent video is the first really truthful explanation of the size of countries on the earth. How we have been misinformed (lied to) throughout the centuries but most especially the 20th. To discover that [More]