Only one word to describe such wealth – extraordinary
This fascinating film gives us a marvellous insight into the most challenging area of the Earth – Antartica. Most interesting was the drilling of a hole some 7060 feet into the ice by scientists.
This is year 2023. In the next three years 10’s if not 100’s of millions will lose their jobs to Ai. Not a projection – a fact. If governments don’t pull their fingers out, they [More]
Everyone will die and everyone should be given the information contained in this interview with this brilliant man, Dr. Peter Fenwick, who is a Neurophysiatrist and Neurophysiologist. I can only add that it is my [More]
Nils-Axel Morner, a former head of the Paleo-Geophysics and Geodynamics Department in Stockholm, says a new solar-driven cooling period for the Earth is ‘not far off’. From Sky News Australia18 June 2019
This excellent exposure of the potential effects of global warming by The Economist is highly recommended.
From this wonderful discussion about the current Ukraine situation. In this episode of 9/11 Free Fall, Andy Steele gets current with investigative journalist, Rick Sterling of, discussing the unfolding situation with Russia, the [More]
Was this a prediction for the 2019/2020 raging fires across Australia? The worst in it’s history, the current situation may seem unprecendented but this report about the uniqueness of what happened in 2003 may have [More]
It is vital every single person on the planet sees and understands this especially the statement “they can be injected into the body using a syringe” and then watch the video “Nanotech found in Pfizer [More]
It’s time the West woke up. There can be no integration into western society by muslims – only expansionism to the point of takeoover. In the mmain they can’t integrate with their host society – [More]