ULEZ Air Quality Pt2: Dangerous Pollution in London! Shocking Results Planes, Trains & Automobiles! This is Part 2 by the BrownCarGuy. It is excellent. The first one exposed the fraud perpetraated against London but now [More]
Listen to what this man says. Learn from not only the content of his thought but that it is nearly 30 years old and is now coming to complete fruition. It is clear, we are [More]
Watch this and weep at the horror that has been perpetrated by the ignorant authorities on the human race. Clearly, it has been a pandemic but not of virus – a pandemic of authoritarianism and [More]
Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (ARC) Captured at Jordan Peterson’s ARC 2023, Konstantin Kisin gives a powerful synopsis on the state of the world and pushes a POSITIVE vision of the future. “There are some people [More]
Why is this not being brought to the attention of the government? Why is ‘bad’ science so triumphant over good science? This is the only information you need to understand the tradgedy of the actions [More]
Although today, 14 February 2023, the WHO database on adverse reactions to Covid-19 vaccines stands at the UNPRECENTED IN THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE at 4,906,644 (let me say that again as it grows by nearly [More]
Richaed Vobes conducts an interview with an expert…. 5G radiation is a health worry from the equipment located on masts erected across the country. Researcher, Ian Jarvis joins me to explain that some of the [More]
Global warming could do more than just melt polar ice. It could change our maps, and displace people from cities and tropical islands. National Geographic Published on 18 May 2007
This is the most revealtory interview from a highly qualified, dignified and authoritative UK GP you will ever listen to in expressing his views about what he has been contending with leading up mto today. [More]
The World Health Organisation (WHO) are attempting to subvert democracy after Covid by initiating a Treaty they want signed by every country to give them the power over each country’s authority on medical issues particularly [More]